Wake-Up Cat…

…says, “Wake up!”



  1. OMG! The tears are rolling down my cheeks…I can’t stop laughing…Welcome to my world…every.single.morning.oftheweek. Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Get outta my bedroom, Jill!!!! LOL!!!

  3. Someone sent this to me at work last week. I laugh like an imbecile every. single. time.

  4. *laughing* I don’t know which I like better – the round little mouth going “mrow” or the little paw making smacky sounds on the man’s head.

    D. is very lucky that the cat is not permitted to come into the bedroom.

  5. Yeah, I’ve been on the receiving end of that smacky sound. Our cats aren’t permitted in the bedroom either, pretty much for this exact reason (minus the baseball bat…)