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Do you see this sweet kitten?

Milo - in a Kitty Can't Cope frenzy

Do you see this sweet kitten going out of his lentil-sized mind?

Milo - in a Kitty Can't Cope frenzy

Milo - in a Kitty Can't Cope frenzy

Milo - in a Kitty Can't Cope frenzy

Milo - in a Kitty Can't Cope frenzy

Okay, darling. Now pose with the product:

Milo - in a Kitty Can't Cope frenzy

The thing that made Milo go insane this evening was a Kitty Can’t Cope Sack which is probably at least five years old.  Simon and Dash have been gnawing on it, rubbing it on their faces, and generally flipping out on it since long before our littlest feline monster was born.  There is at least as much cat saliva in this thing as kitty ganja.  And yet, it still has the mojo.  Even more miraculous, it’s still intact.

This is weapons-grade catnip, my friends.  And three for less than $10?  By my reckoning, that’s about fifteen years of cat-frenzy.  A bargain.


  1. At the last knitting tea party, one of my friends brought… catnip tea. I shit you not. Jemima was in heaven, she tried to swim in it. Mind you she tries to swim in her water too, sometimes…

    Robynns last blog post..Polygamy: A Good Idea!

  2. Catnip tea will help nausea. The catnip toy at our house is much brighter — Mr. Gator gets routinely disembowelled by Spirit and rolled around on by Shiva.

    Marilee J. Laymans last blog post..Stupid Management plus Odd Newspaper Things.