Autumnal Felinity

We’ve had the loveliest weekend here.  It’s suddenly Fall: cool, dry, sunny and gorgeous.  I’ve made bread, and I’m wearing a homemade sweater and homemade socks, so I’m not sure I could be any happier (well, a fire in the fireplace would also do me some good). 

The cats have been mellow, also, enjoying the open windows and the fresh air they bring.  Simon and Milo are beyond detente, and on their way to a lasting peace.

Milo may look big, but he's still less than 1/2 of Simon

I caught Dash in a peaceful moment in front of the sliding door, enjoying the setting sun’s rays.

Sunshine on my gray fur makes me happy...

And Milo – sweet Milo had a perfect Miss Lulu Kitty moment on a sunny windowsill.

Milo's "Miss Lulu" shot

Damn, but I love Fall.


  1. Awww, that is all SO cute. Mile is even more adorable as he gets older. He has such beautiful eyes.