A Faux FO?

So, there have been finished objects Chez Writingortyping.  It’s not just cute kittens and yoga around here.

One almost-FO is the front door.  A few weeks ago, John bought a screen/storm door whose packaging promised that it would install in six easy steps.  Um…  Yeah.  Right.  More like seventeen million not-so-easy steps, too many hours, actual rebuilding (or adding on to) the door frame, and adding a few choice words to his blue-talking wife’s rather extensive vocabulary.  The door only lacks a few elements: hydraulic closers, a few bits and bobs – nothing to get excited about.  It fits, it closes, it latches, it does not cause John to make odd explosive noises.  It does not require me to get up from my knitting and cling to it in a manner uncomfortably reminiscent of a tree frog in a hurricane while John mutters and wields his mighty electric drill/screwdriver.  I have hopes that I shall have no more mashed fingers in its uncaring jaws.  It is, for all intents and purposes, a real FO.  This is productive of much happiness.

Another FO has actually been such for a while.  I bought a lace stole kit at Stitches back in the spring.  It seemed like a simple pattern (and it was – but not one that lent itself to “reading”).  It kept me busy in front of undemanding tv, on airplanes, etc.  It was semi-abandoned and picked up a few times.  It may well be my go-to scarf for this winter, as it is light, warm, and versatile.  I’m rather pleased with it.


The very simplicity of it was what made it difficult – there was no organic beginning and ending to latch on to: no point at which I said, “Oh, here -this- begins (or ends).”  But it is lovely and I am pleased.



  1. Pretty! Is that silk?

    Have you ever had pho?

  2. Yes, it’s silk – it’s the same kit that we were admiring when we had lunch with Sara at Stitches East.

    Yes, I’ve had Pho… mmm… Pho…