Oy the Lateness..

Wherein Our Heroine is Positively Incoherent.

Sorry folks. The morning got away from me like a frightened little bunny.

My private Yoga client is going to Jamaica for ten days. Wow. Jamaica. The warmth. The ocean. The warmth.

Yes, it is cold again here in Maryland, and I am beginning to think that all of my New England toughness is wearing off. I just want to hunker down under a duvet and not move until the thermostat reads higher than freezing, but that is not an option. I have errands to run and freelance work to accomplish, and that means I have to get up, get out, and cope with the weather and my own increasingly feeble reactions to it.

But this lateness thing? That will have to be fixed. I may be losing my ability to cope with the deep freeze, but that doesn't mean I can drop all of my standards.

Posted: Wednesday - February 02, 2005 at 09:59 AM         | |
