The White James Brown - In a Library

Wherein Our Heroine Warns You that You Might Have Had to Have Been There.

Here's why I love my husband. Well, one of the many reasons.

He's got a positively whacko sense of humor. Yet that talent for the absurd comes packaged in Central Casting's idea of an outdoorsy, quiet, librarian-type (which he is, so no awkward cognitive dissonance there). But then he comes out with things like the "hat trick," sending anyone within hearing range into a gale of laughter.

When I first met John at our mutual friend Maria's house over ten years ago (eeeeee!), he displayed absolutely no interest in me. In fact, as we waited for Maria to get ready to go out for breakfast, he picked up a magazine and started to leaf through it. You know that thing people say about first impressions being a one-shot deal? Well, sometimes that's just wrong. After receiving the impression that John thought I was too dull even to make polite conversation with (and coming to the same conclusion about him myself), the three of us went out to breakfast. John continued to be as quiet as he had started out, so Maria and I chattered away in our usual style. I had written John off completely by the time I said something intended to be funny, but directed at Maria. John suddenly threw back his head and positively boomed with laughter. He may not have "had me at hello," but he certainly caught my interest with that delighted, unselfconscious, and loud guffaw.

Periodically, he checks into the web-things that I read. He was listening to some musical recommendations from Mimi Smartypants, when he spontaneously announced that he intended to stun the world by becoming the white James Brown in a library. When I started laughing and told him that he had only himself to blame if he found that to be tomorrow's blog-title, he said, "Do you have any objections to being termed my 'Beeyotch'?"

No, baby, I know you love me.

Posted: Thursday - November 11, 2004 at 06:34 AM         | |
