"No, no, no..."

Wherein Our Heroine is Extremely Susceptible to Flattery.

You can’t take a break next week.  Maybe the week after as I will be on vacation . . . or even the week after that as I will be in Russia.  But not next week.  You see, some of use [sic] rely on you to get the day started.  You have become an integral part of my daily routine.  Get coffee . . . ok, well, tea actually as I have recently given up coffee . . . read latest WOT post, then work.  You are my transition from “not work” to “work” modes . . . I’m not sure I’d know what to do if I didn’t have you to read in the a.m.

So . . . . there’s a topic for you . . . . irrational addiction to routines.  You know, not quite OCD, but almost.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


This is what happens when you befriend the new kid in third grade. One minute, you're hanging by your knees on the monkey bars, and he's getting up a group to play "Superfriends." (All I recall about this was some animation-inspired roleplaying and a lot of running around, pretending to fly by sticking our arms out and making "whssshhhhh..." noises. This was, perhaps, my first conscious recognition that there are too few good roles for women. After all, my very girly nemesis of the elementary school years always got to be Wonder Woman, and what did that leave the rest of us?)

Twenty-seven years later, he's flattering you and ensuring that you don't cut and run from your self-imposed project of six months. The nerve of some people.

I do understand the "irrational addiction to routines" thing, though. Sometimes it can be turned to good account - daily yoga is the only example I can come up with for me right now, though I'm sure there are more. But routines and habits can be very comforting, I know. They are especially useful in the morning, when the brain is still warming up and the body is on automatic pilot.

So, I'm on the hook for next week, at least. The week after I may indeed take some time as I will have some adjustments to schedule. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Posted: Thursday - August 05, 2004 at 07:53 AM         | |
