Some Random Thank-You Notes

Wherein Our Heroine, Not Normally On-Task with the Thank-You Notes, Gets a Few Out.

Hey hey fireplace, thank you for blasting out those lovely FTUs* whenever we feed your maw with old newspapers and sticks.

Darling Husband, thank you for chopping up all those sticks so the increase in fuel costs this year may be slightly abated. Also, thank you for sending me a one-word e-mail this morning, commanding simply, "knit."

Dearest Dash and Simon, mad props for getting all cuddly in this cold snap. It is very nice of you to share your warm furriness with the less-fortunate, unfurred ones.

Fuzzy-wuzzy dumpling dog, thank you for going four whole days without a prednisone and without chewing your paws (much). It appears that the very expensive trips to the veterinary allergist are working.

Dear Mary Kay and Jordin, thanks for the fun and the laughs yesterday. I hope your wildly-colored, stuffed T. Rex gets home without eating anyone. I still think you should name him "Tucker Carlson."

Dear clueless newlyweds across the cul-de-sac: Thank you for allowing John to witness you throwing your puppy's poop onto your front yard in a fit of bratty rage after the poor, confused dogger had pooped in the house. It's good to know you don't treat your own property any better than the way you treat common property. It also keeps me from carrying out my often-fantasized-about plan of scooping all of said puppy's poop up from the center island in the cul-de-sac and depositing it on your front step, the better for YOU to step in it. I've stepped in it enough.

Love and Kisses,

Our Heroine

*What - have you never heard of a Fireplace Thermal Unit before?

Posted: Monday - October 18, 2004 at 08:27 AM         | |
