It Happened Again

Wherein Our Heroine Lost Another Idea to Demon Sleep.

I had an idea last night - it seemed intelligent at the time, but again I was half asleep. I may have been delusional about the intelligence of said idea, whatever the heck it was. Coffee isn't bringing it back.

I can inform any interested readers that I had a nice weekend, but that I am also incredibly sore. I am suffering from a spasmed trapezius muscle that refuses to completely go away, as well as a sore knee. Cliché but true: getting older really stinks. The body just doesn't rebound the way it used to.

So, I'm off to take a couple of ibuprofen and start my week - it's a big one, so I hope my brain engages sometime soon.

Posted: Monday - August 23, 2004 at 08:24 AM         | |
