There is no "We" in "Team" Either.

Wherein Our Heroine is a Lump.

I apparently have a hard time letting go of associations. In interviews, it is not uncommon for me to refer to my former colleagues/employer as "we" in the present tense, as if I am still affiliated with them. Similarly, though I no longer play soccer, I sometimes refer to the team as if I am still a player.

But I am not employed any longer, so there is no "we" when I speak of my former job and colleagues. And I am now a sideline-sitter when it comes to soccer - one of the spouses, not one of the players (not that I ever contributed a vast amount when I did play). MacIntosh and I spectate, we give kisses and water to tired players coming off of the field (Mac gives the kisses - I give the water), we play with the other players' children. I cheer. Mac barks. We enjoy. We play with the camera phone (well, I don't let Mac play with the camera phone, but I do take his picture with it).

We enjoy.

Posted: Monday - September 13, 2004 at 08:35 AM         | |
