Beginnings, Endings, and Babies


I sometimes wonder how many compelling stories are left incomplete in our lives (no, I won't go into the question of "what is completion?" at this point). Yesterday, I had a serendipitous moment - I heard the follow-up to an NPR story I had listened to about a year ago, the story of a woman named Suzanne who was seeking to have a child. The first installment of her story was sad, but not uncommon - in vitro had not worked for her, and she was reconsidering her options.

In this segment, she was exploring adoption. I have had something of an adoption-convergence lately. Mimi Smartypants' story of how she and her husband adopted Nora can still bring tears to my eyes. One of my close friends has learned more about his birth-family recently. Professor Z wrote a lovely and heart-wrenching account of her own adoption and life on Sunday. And yesterday, the story of Suzanne came in through John's car-radio as I waited for him to run an errand.

We had a "driveway moment" when we returned to the house, sitting in the car to listen through to the end of the piece, and the beginning of another story.

Posted: Tuesday - May 10, 2005 at 07:50 AM         | |
