What the Heck Would I do Without Google?

Wherein Our Heroine Reviews the Searches, Part II

It's that time again - a roundup of the amusing searches that have brought people to WoT?

blog about writing - I'm assuming this search probably had about thirty zillion responses.

typing quotations - You've caught me. I do sometimes type quotations to jazz up my essays (or pad them...)

get paid to write blog - Get real. Go talk to Kevin Drum if you want to find out about a gig like that, but let me give you a little tip: you're gonna have to do it unpaid for a long time, and during that long time you'd better have something to say that people want to read.

lance is king lyrics - Well, we all know that I'm more fond of Tyler Hamilton, but I did link to the funny ABBA spoof.

writing fiction advice blog - Wow. I don't run a blog that claims to give fiction writing advice - I wish I were that useful. The gang over at Making Light would be of definite help to any aspiring fiction writer, though.

cicada metaphor - Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

nielsen-hayden wot - I can only marvel and wonder. I'm a big, geeky, unabashed fan of the Nielsen Haydens' work, but that's the only linkage.

sat writing blog - Okay - does someone want to find a blog about taking the S.A.T., or does someone want to find a blogger who blogs from a seated (as opposed to standing, prone or supine) position? We may never know.

google parking garage answer - That is all well and good, but what is the Google parking garage question, Grasshopper?

Happy weekend, all.

Posted: Friday - July 09, 2004 at 07:51 AM         | |
