The Stuff of the Universe is Locked in the Mind of a Cat

Wherein Our Heroine Ponders Felininity.

Cats know stuff. I don't know how, but they do. When I say they "know stuff" I mean they know what is going on in your head or your body. There has to be some sort of diagnostic job for cats, because they know stuff the way that kid in "The Sixth Sense" saw dead people.

What the ever-bleeping-freak am I talking about? What pushed my cat-button this morning? Simon. Lovely, darling Simon of the double paws and serene cat-face. Simon, whose true love is a slipper. Not for the first time, Simon proved that cats know when you really have to pee by jumping on the bed and sitting right on my bladder. Whywhywhy???

Dash frequently judges the exact moment when I am about to get up for another cup of coffee and strategically leaps into my lap, purring and settling himself in for a lovely snooze. Can't.... move... too... cute.... Simon used to bolt out the door (he is an "inside cat" - he has claws, but at eight years old, it is too late for him to learn how to use them to climb trees) when I was running latelatelate and desperately wishing I had extra minutes - and none to spare for the feline who has decided this is his day for reenacting the Great Escape. My friend Mary Kay has just had a knee replaced. Apparently, her cats found the surgical site absolutely irresistible from the moment she came home. Why???

Posted: Wednesday - January 12, 2005 at 08:03 AM         | |
