Move Along, Nothing to See Here...

Wherein Our Heroine Does not Feel Pretty.

I used to be moderately well-dressed. I used to be told that I looked nice. That was back when I had a full-time job, and had to wear business attire - or at the very least, steer toward the the dressier end of "business casual." Now I feel as if, were there secret footage taken of me, Trinny and Susannah would say, "Sorry darling - that's too much of a challenge."

I blame nobody but myself, mind you. I do dress up for interviews and the occasional business meetings for the consulting work I get, but my daily attire now stretches in a narrow band between Yoga clothes and jeans and turtlenecks. Add the fact that my skin is throwing its annual winter tantrum, and I feel lovely. Occasionally, I even get surprised when I look in the mirror and catch a glimpse of how lax I have become.

I feel sure that I will resume my old pernickety habits when I am employed once again. I know that dressing professionally does in fact make me gear up to go into an office. But you know what? I am sort of enjoying the not-caring for a while. Most of the work I have gotten allows me to stay at home in my jeans and turtlenecks and simply use my brain. I am not engaged in the other things that "dressing for success" implies: ladder-climbing, impressing people (or at least, not putting them off), or looking a part.

They say that on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. Well, I'm on the internet and now everybody knows I'm a slob.

Posted: Tuesday - January 25, 2005 at 06:08 AM         | |
