Very, Very Strange

Wherein Our Heroine is Puzzled.

I got three hits on my FAQ page yesterday - this is very odd, considering I probably get about one a week on average. Looking deeper into the stats, someone ran a search for "Hilary Price" and got my FAQ page. My first thought was, "Odd." I mention her there, it is true: it is something of an homage, as I believe she is one of the funniest cartoonists out there, and once upon a time we went to the same school (she was funny then, too).

Hilary has been something of a celebrity in the world of cartooning (as far as I'm concerned, anyway) for some time, though. Why on Earth should anyone go to my site if they're looking for information about her? In the world of Google rankings, I rate rather low, so how many other pages would someone have to plow through to get to my FAQ?

For inquiring minds who want to know, the answer is twelve pages of Google results. Yes, my FAQ is on page thirteen. This is even further down in the rankings than the infamous "Neda Ulaby" search noted in "Today's Essay Brought to You By Google."

I think the most Google results pages I have ever plowed through might have been five. What possesses someone to scan through (or, god forbid, actually click on and click back through) thirteen pages of Google results? Especially as her page is (as it should be) tops in the Google rankings on a search for her name?

Odd. Just odd.

Posted: Friday - July 02, 2004 at 08:20 AM         | |
