Day Off

Wherein Our Heroine is Refreshed.

Spring is in the air - we had the windows open yesterday to catch the warming breeze. Birds in the forest behind our house are tuning up their voices for their summer calls. In the midst of all of this life, I felt like the walking dead yesterday as I shambled stiffly around. My last few weeks have been Yoga-intensive ones, and to top that off, I woke up in the middle of the night between Saturday and Sunday lying awkwardly on my upflung right arm. My hand was numb and tingly, and my shoulder (which has been aching anyway recently) was stiff and sore.

I normally go to a Yoga class on Sunday morning, but given how I felt, I gave myself the day off. John and I did a massive grocery shop and I made pizza crust. The first stage of the Paris-Nice was on (John laughed at me every time I reflexively flinched when Bob Roll said "Toor day France") and we caught up on the latest Battlestar Galactica. It was quiet and relaxing. I gave my body a chance to recuperate and rest.

It seems to have worked. This morning I am not only ache-free, but bouncy and optimistic. I have been warding off optimism lately, as optimism has resembled nothing so much as Lucy snatching the football away from Charlie Brown in recent months, but what the heck. Optimism can come together with the fresh air and the warm breeze and the birdsong. Let it all come. Welcome, spring. I am rested and ready for you.

Posted: Monday - March 07, 2005 at 07:29 AM         | |
