
Wherein Our Heroine Feels the Need to Organize.

I am not a resolutions-maker. The New Year does not ring in with lists and affirmations. However, there are times in the year when I find myself looking around and seeing the disorganization and clutter that have accumulated over the previous months. September brings that back to school feeling, springtime heralds summer's more relaxed pace, and the darkness of early January brings the annual tidying of the closet under the basement stairs where the holiday ornaments live.

This January activity feeds on itself, and I have found myself tidying, organizing and starting to attempt to think differently over the last few days. John and I are trying to be more organized about dinner, for instance (our usual "seat of the pants" method of "planning" for dinner is getting old for both of us). Today, perhaps inspired by John's massive office mucking-out, I am tackling my office. The closet is full of things that we're not sure where else they should live. The furniture needs rearranging. The shelves need clearing.

I also have thank-you notes that need writing (the spur of guilt gets duller every day we step away from the Christmas holidays), and various other tasks with solid, looming deadlines.

In other words, having spent the last hour or so trying to think of something to say, I am having one of those days where there is nothing much.

Posted: Tuesday - January 04, 2005 at 08:09 AM         | |
