Election Day

Wherein Our Heroine Uses Her Nonworking Time to Good Effect.

Up before first light, I worked at a literature table at our local elections today. Given all the reports of conflicts expected at polling places around the country, it was a remarkably cordial experience. The guy working the literature table for the other side offered us drinks, smiles and thumbs-up were displayed by passing voters despite long lines to get to the polls, and the County Executive sent some of his people to the various precincts with bagels and orange juice for the volunteers. Best of all, there were huge numbers of young people getting involved. Even a few seventeen-year-olds passed out literature, undaunted by their inability to vote just yet. One newly naturalized citizen stopped by to ask questions, cautious and unsure about her new rights.

Only a couple of people were obnoxious. One woman, passing the young volunteers at our table, threw her hands up and said, "Don't even try me. I hate him." It was an odd reaction to a smiling young man who was simply standing there holding literature. We said, "Thank you for voting," to just about everyone as they left. One woman responded, "We didn't vote for your guy," with a sarcastic smile.

"Thank you for voting," we replied.

Posted: Tuesday - November 02, 2004 at 01:11 PM         | |
