
Wherein Our Heroine Feels Decidedly Un-Heroic.

Well, tomorrow was supposed to be the day. I was planning on issuing my last "Unemployment" posting tomorrow, as I was supposed to start a new job on the 16th. I was to be employee #2 at a startup.

Yesterday, employee #1, the founder, called and told me he was putting the project on hold indefinitely. Entrepreneurial opportunities have tremendous "upside potential." They are also incredibly fragile, and subject to derailment from individual crises.

So, instead of typing a nervous-yet-happy posting on the 13th, letting you all know that if my posting in future is irregular it would be due to a fortunate shift from a jobless schedule to a work-full schedule, I am sitting here on the 12th delivering bad news. And I'm back to my old routine - searching job ads, applying for positions and networking like mad.

That's all, really.

Posted: Thursday - August 12, 2004 at 08:01 AM         | |
