What's the Matter with the Middle?

Wherein Our Heroine Wonders Why.

Occasionally, I read something which castigates those of us who have not chosen a religion or a political party as somehow morally deficient. In their view, not making an either-or choice in this matter indicates a weakness of will, a failure to make a decision and stick by it.

To those people, I say, "Nonsense." Sort of.

Centrism/agnosticism is not necessarily a failure of spirit, intellect or will. It is a failure to find what is needed in any of the available options, and a failure to settle for something that's "close enough." Society often demands labels of us - pro or con? high or low? Lennon or McCartney? smooth or crunchy? And in most instances, I can truthfully respond "Both." (Except for smooth or crunchy - that one gets "Neither." It is a further demonstration of what an un-American philistine I am that I don't like peanuts).

It is not necessarily weak-minded vacillation to see both sides, to appreciate more than one angle. Nor is it "strength" to pick a side simply because the major options are A or B. Human beings are celebrated for their individuality: why is it necessary to cram your belief system or world view into a channel that leaves you with the uncomfortable feeling that you are tacitly endorsing things you do not agree with?

Posted: Tuesday - March 30, 2004 at 08:34 AM         | |
