One Year... and Then Some

Wherein Our Heroine Celebrates.

John and I have been married for one year today. It's been a big year, a tumultuous year, and it's been a long time coming.

John and I first met over ten years ago, and since then, we have been friends, been more than friends, been out of touch, and reconnected. (If I worked for the Washington Post, I would be looking for a cicada metaphor right about now.) We never lived closer than 100 miles away from one another until we lived in the same house. Looking at the facts that way it looks daft, but I have never done anything saner in my life than to marry this man.

Like I said, it has been a tumultuous year. A lot has happened, and a lot of stress has resulted, but home has been a haven from it all, through it all; and for that, I simply say, "Thank you, John. I love calling you 'husband.'"

Posted: Monday - June 21, 2004 at 08:11 AM         | |
