Dispatches from the Feline Front

Wherein Our Heroine Continues to Worry About Her Zoo.

All is not quite well in the Smith Zoo today. Ben attacked Simon again yesterday, this time right in front of me. I was privileged to witness the fact that there was no provocation: just a random, violent outburst.

Ben ended up quarantined in the guest bathroom like Mr. Rochester's mad wife for the rest of the afternoon and evening. At night, we decided to pull the inoffensive critters into our bedroom and let Ben wander the rest of the house. Suddenly we're the Marshall family hiding in some Sid & Marty Krofft-created papier mache cave while the potentially murderous sleestacks roam about.

As Dennis Miller has said, "Stop me before I sub-reference again." (Poor Mac - yesterday he was Chewbacca and today Cha-Ka?).

Apologies - a night with little sleep has left Our Heroine puffy, tired and without too many coherent thoughts.

See you Monday.

Posted: Saturday - February 21, 2004 at 07:47 AM         | |
