Housekeeping Notes

Wherein Our Heroine Goes off the Annual Deep End.

Yes, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. No, I will not be posting. Go! Enjoy your holiday! Eat lots of whatever will put you into a stupor! But please, if you value your life, please do not subject me to The Sweet Potato Script(TM).

What? You don't know about The Sweet Potato Script? Okay, here it goes:

The Sweet Potato Players: me and Someone Else who Normally Knows Better.

The Sweet Potato Scene: a holiday table, laden with dishes of vast variety.

The Script:

[O.H. passes sweet potatoes without taking any]

S.E.N.K.B. Oh, don't you want any sweet potatoes?

O.H. No thank you.

S.E.N.K.B. Are you sure?

O.H. Yes, I am sure. Thank you.

S.E.N.K.B. [In a voice that suggests that refusing sweet potatoes is unthinkable madness] Are you sure?

O.H. Yes, I am sure. I don't like sweet potatoes.

S.E.N.K.B. Oh, but you haven't tried these sweet potatoes!

As if my dislike for sweet potatoes was not about the vegetable itself, but the recipe. It is here that Our Heroine commences her annual battle with gibbering lunacy. Yes! I did try it! I didn't like it! I do not like them with a marshmallow, I do not like them with a walnut, I do not like them in a soufflé, I would not like them in a chair, I do not want them in my hair, I do not LIKE them, Sam-I-Am!

There are other unusual dislikes out there that somehow do not merit this treatment. Our Hero does not like chocolate. At most, this preference on his part elicits a raised eyebrow and a, "More for me!" attitude. Other people don't like tomatoes, or bell peppers, or marzipan. All of these are passed over with the mildest of shrugs. But my dislike of sweet potatoes is somehow tantamount to High Holiday Treason.

Go ahead, shoot me. Just please don't subject me to The Script again.

Posted: Wednesday - November 24, 2004 at 08:25 AM         | |
