

It seems that just about everyone I know is slumpy lately.  Tired, listless, and generally unmotivated to do the things that usually turn our cranks.  My friend Sophie recently posited a theory about this, after we discovered that we had just about exactly the same whine last year: it's Daylight Savings Time's fault.

I have a hard enough time getting up in the morning, but it's much easier to manage to get up when it's not pitch black outside.  When it has been gradually getting lighter and lighter in the mornings, and then the clocks get bumped, all of a sudden it's dark again at wake-up time and something in the dim recesses of my soul says, "NOOOOOO!" 

There's not enough caffeine in the world to fix that problem.  However, I can offer you incredibly cute otters* holding hands as something of a recompense:

*Yeah, I know - "incredibly cute otters" is redundant.

Posted: Friday - March 30, 2007 at 07:02 AM         | |
