Bodies - Hell with Rest, Let's go with Motion.


Well, I'm not necessarily down with Rachael's 100-mile challenge (snow 'round these parts gets poorly plowed or shoveled, leading to crap road conditions and we don't own a treadmill), but I've had enough with the sludgy, pudgy feeling. Also, there are all these clothes that occupy my closet that appear to belong to a Me I once would have considered a bit stocky. I would now consider that Me to be lithe and lissome. I'm tired of feeling this way.

With that in mind, I have returned to my beloved balance ball, which wobbled and bobbled me into the shape I sported the day I got married (two dress sizes smaller than I currently am now). Good old Suzanne Deason - she has the face of Kim Cattrall, the voice of a childhood piano teacher, and the muscular strength of a Marine.

My goal? Do Something every day. Doesn't matter what that Something is: balance ball, yoga, walking (in clement weather) - Something. To quote my mom, "Move your body across the Earth."

Even if it is in wibbly, wobbly circles.

Posted: Tuesday - February 27, 2007 at 07:16 PM         | |
