Getting it Back is Easier than Learning it in the First Place


I'm doing Yoga on a regular basis again, and it makes me happy.

"Wha? Thought you taught the stuff!" I hear some cry. I did. I took an indefinite hiatus from teaching starting in the spring, since my schedule was starting to look like: workworkworkworkworkyogayogalaundry. That's a five-day work week, two mornings of yoga (teaching on Saturday and taking a class on Sunday), and a week's worth of laundry stuffed into the interstices of whatever time I had at home (my work includes lots of travel around the country and occasionally the world). I was already feeling the strain when the bomb dropped, and as much as my rational brain said, "You know, this is what Yoga is for," I listened to my Id instead, which was screaming, "I can't take it any more," and took a break. This coincided with my teacher going on maternity leave, so I let my Id and my superior skills at rationalization talk me into this being a "sign," (which I don't really believe in, which only proves just how superior those rationalization skills are) and just stopped.

Cut ahead six months and I'm re-learning one of my favorite lessons: getting it back is easier than learning it in the first place. I stepped back into the studio last week, and not only had I not lost as much as I feared, but the studio owner let me know that they're willing to have me teach again whenever I would like to take on the load. Not only that, but the chronic knee issue that I had been nursing for months apparently just needed a break. It's completely healed now.

This week saw even more recovery of "lost" ground. And when I rooted my feet to the ground and stretched my fingertips to the sky, my body had a gentle message for me, "Yep. We remember this. This is good."

Posted: Saturday - January 13, 2007 at 12:52 PM         | |
