There's a First Time for Everything


Hey all - I'll be at Stitches East tomorrow and Sunday. You will probably recognize me by a combination of any of these things:

- Height (tall-ish)
- Strawberry-blonde-ish hair (lots of it)
- Sensory overload (I hate shopping malls - I'm wondering how I'll do at a convention center full of excited knitters)
- Lauren may or may not be nearby in any one of the following states:
- hanging out with me, having a good time
- looking annoyed that she is saddled with someone who can't choose a *&^$@ knitting bag, fer chrissakes (if this happens, please hand me something to eat - I'm usually decisive, except when suffering from low blood-sugar.)
- wandering off in the middle distance ("oooh! Sea Silk!")

If any one of my 24 or so regular readers might be there and you see some combination of the above, please say "hi" - if it's me, I'll be delighted. If it's not me, well - I can't vouch for the outcome of that interchange.

Posted: Thursday - November 02, 2006 at 07:10 AM         | |
