Attention, All Single Females


See this?

This here is a turf purse. It was a gift from me to my friend Alicia (not shown here). It also, according to said friend Alicia -- who is sadly going through a divorce and really does not want the attention -- is a man-magnet. According to Miss 'Lis:

I've had dozens of guys comment on it. In line at the store. At Panera. While I'm crossing the street. From passing cars. During business meetings (hi Mr. CEO).*

About all I can say is: who knew??

But if you have any friends who are SINGLE and actually WANT male attention. This is the purse!

Who knew, indeed? So, single-and-looking gals, to quote another friend: Go. Know.

* Alicia is in a creative profession. So no, it's not inappropriate.

Posted: Thursday - April 27, 2006 at 06:53 PM         | |
