

Ehrm... I think I lost my mind a little last night in the LYS' yarn sale.

Exhibit 1 (we're starting small, to ease you in gently): Some Noro Silk garden for beanies, intended for heads of various family members (who don't, as far as I know, read the blog, so this is secret knitting - shhh. Don't tell).

Silk garden beanies

Exhibit 2: A needle case - if one buys a lovely needle case, can needle organization be far behind? Stay tuned.

Needle case

Exhibit 3: Some alpaca silk for the Lara sweater. No, the color isn't this orange. It's more of a light terra-cotta. I shall be as a soft, slightly fuzzy plant-pot.


Exhibit 4: Some yarn for the hourglass sweater I have coveted in this book. (Yes, Marie - I bought lots extra. Perhaps too much, if that is possible).


Finally, Dash's response:

Dash is made aghast by yarn

Dang, woman: is that all for me??? (No, you sick little cat-monkey, and if you go after my yarn again as you did last evening, you shall be banned from my office).

*Let it be known that, to date, I have never made a single sweater for myself. Never.

Posted: Friday - April 21, 2006 at 07:36 AM         | |
