Sunday Morning, Coming Spring


It's a not-so early morning at our house, with the animals having unaccountably letting us sleep in. Tosh and I head out for his morning ablutions, past the planters of ill-named pansies trembling in the breeze. Was there ever a hardier little flower, less deserving of the scathing nickname associations synonymous with "weak"?

Tosh is more interested in smells and sights than conducting business, and I stand slightly dazed from sleep, watching him nose around from smell to smell. I wonder if he knows yet about his late best friend, the departed sheltie La La (lost to bladder cancer and we humans already miss the sweet, patient, puppy-faced elder dog).

As Tosh noses the ground, a common sight for this time of year erupts overhead. Two male cardinals blast out of a nearby tree. The pursuing victor returns to its bare branches. The other swoops to a conifer close by, cheeping fiercely at his scarlet twin. From the side, a female cardinal flits into the thick branches of the evergreen. It is not clear that the "loser" has seen her, so focused on his rival.

Posted: Sunday - March 26, 2006 at 08:07 AM         | |
