Two Postings in a Row? You have GOT to be Kidding.

Don't get excited - it's just a meme. For those of you wondering when she would stop nattering about knitting, you get your reprieve.

Okay, Andrea tagged me...

Four Jobs I've Had
*"Haunter" at the Minneapolis Haunted Hayrides
*Yoga Teacher
*Student Attorney in a free legal clinic
*Wage-Slave at the Gap

Four Movies You'd See Over and Over
*Monsoon Wedding
*Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth one)
*A Room with a View

Four Places You've Lived
*Hollis, NH
*Minneapolis, MN
*London, England
*Arlington, VA

Four Television Shows You Like to Watch
*Battlestar Galacatica (the new one - TiVo handed me one of the old ones as a suggestion the other day - the one with Fred Astaire as Starbuck's father. Whoo-ee. It was both funny and depressing. Funny that it was so kitschily bad. Depressing that it was so kitschily bad with Fred Astaire)
*Sex and the City (one of the few examples of a show that didn't wear out its welcome)
*Farscape (just finished Season Three - more kleenex, please)

Four Websites I Visit Daily
*Mimi Smartypants

Four Places I'd Rather Be
*Paris - with a croissant and cafe au lait on a warm spring morning, making plans with John for how we will fill our day
*India - with Alicia as tourguide and way too much continent spread before me to explore
*Yosemite - having breakfast at the Awahnee, contemplating an afternoon of ice skating at Curry Village
*Anywhere John and I can explore together where there's good food and interesting stuff to see

Four People to Tag
*The Mod Housewife (back at'cha sistah!)

Posted: Friday - February 03, 2006 at 07:26 AM         | |
