Attack of the Sinuses


Attention all Young People: learn good decision-making skills, lest you wind up like Our Heroine.

As a young person, I was raised in the theory of, "Take your sniffles to school." This wasn't a popular theory for the Young Heroine, and I resisted it mightily. Often, the response to my resistance was, "Well, do you need to go to the doctor?" This seemed to my infant brain punitive rather than health-directed, so I did often gut it out and go to school with sore throats, colds, etc.

Fast forward to my freshman year in college, where I put myself in the emergency room through a series of late-night rehearsals, early mornings, and ignoring a hacking cough. That episode of long waits, chest x-rays, and casual indifference only reinforced my feeling that those in the healthcare field were there to punish rather than to cure (that, and spending some time on a gurney in a crowded hospital corridor, a few feet from a poor raving soul who, according what I overheard one hospital staffer say to another, "mixed rubbing alcohol with his regular."). Clearly, a strategy of avoidance was to be followed

By my last semester of college I was in full on "let's get this over with" mode, having had enough of my alma mater, my classmates, and my life as an undergraduate. Unluckily, this attitude coincided with my semester abroad in London. Even more unluckily, I ended up with what turned out to be a sinus infection. Per the script, I ignored it, not knowing the significance of feeling like my top teeth were falling out and barely being able to summon up the energy to get to where I needed to be. "Let the immune system deal with it," I thought. "That's what it's there for."

It lasted a month.

As a result, ever since then my body pretty much lies down and lets sinus infections in. Nay - my body starts shaking cocktails and putting out cheese and crackers for the damn things.

At least by now I have the good sense to call the doctor and get some antibiotics. After all, that's what they're there for.

Posted: Thursday - February 02, 2006 at 07:44 AM         | |
