Look on my Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair!


Attention all knitty types: the woman who taught me to knit now has a blog. She is a master knitter,* teacher of other knitters, a spinner, a weaver, a seamstress (I was going to say "a sewer," but I feared you all might misinterpret). Her hands are always busy (and now, with two children, even busier), her mind is restless and curious. We have been friends since the tenth grade, when we played two of Prospero's spirits in "The Tempest." I am glad to see her take her place online.

Now just watch how fast that kid's sweater goes up. Like the title says...

*She informs me in comments that she is not technically a "Master Knitter." It would seem to me, however, that she may keep her $325 and still retain the lower-case title.

Posted: Saturday - December 03, 2005 at 08:45 AM         | |
