Was I Saying Something?

If You're Wondering Where I Have Been...

Oy. Monday: tired. Tuesday: tired with lots of meetings. 4:30 Wednesday morning: DOG BARF! As usual, MacIntosh has exquisite timing.

So we're ramming around here like aimless ball bearings, running a bit on the late side and waiting for the dog to actually eat his breakfast (poor darling is picking at it - while he's not generally a chow hound, he usually manages to eat everything in his bowl relatively expeditiously). This has thrown a monkey wrench into our usual interlocking morning routine: not a precision display by normal standards, but certainly a feat of engineering by sleepy, half-caffeinated, early-morning Smith household standards.

At least Toshie managed to avoid barfing in a pair of suede shoes and my suitcase, both of which were standing not inches from the first payload. You take the small blessings you can get in this life.

Is it Friday yet?

Posted: Wednesday - August 24, 2005 at 07:06 AM         | |
