Summertime... and the Living is Bug-free


Six-thirty and we are cranky, stuffy, and sneezy* here at Heroine/Terrorist central (I suppose it could be worse - I could be married to a cranky, stuffy, sneezy eleven-month-old terrorist).

The sneeziness is a result of a great deal of dust. The dust is the result of the termite man drilling hundreds of holes in our foundation yesterday. The drilling is a result of evil bugs trying to eat our house. And that is why our checking account is lighter today than it was yesterday, and another reason for the crankiness.

I feel the need to write more, as I have just written a footnote that is longer than the main entry. However, I have to get showered and go to work. I have to pay off my termite bill.

*Having typed that, I now have visions of more Dwarfs. So, in Mimi Smartypants fashion, I shall tell you a footnote story. When I was in law school, I participated in the legal clinic. It just so happened that I was the only woman that semester in a group of eight. It was inevitable, I suppose, that people started calling me "Snow White." After I acquired this nickname, my colleague Mike and I started assigning dwarf-names to the other student attorneys. We had gotten past the easily assignable ones (Happy, Dopey, Grumpy, etc.) and were trying to shoehorn the rest into our scheme. One of our other colleagues, a bit of a moody, melodramatic type, came along and gruffly asked what we were doing. We told him, and he demanded to know what his dwarf-name was. "I don't know," responded Mike, "There wasn't a dwarf called 'Brooding.'"

Posted: Tuesday - August 16, 2005 at 06:50 AM         | |
